
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

Aye Pod9/20/2009 12:04:15 am PDT

The people on 2.0 seem to be major zombie fans. And at Hot Air, and Ace of Spades. I’m noticing that a lot of people who hate LGF these days (not everyone, mind) love zombie.

For whatever reason, it seems that those who liked LGF ‘the way it used to be’ and hate the way it is now see in zombie hope that the clock can somehow be turned back. That’s what I’m getting from reading what his/her fans on various wingnut sites.

I find zombies recent output to be either about deflecting criticism of the right or more disturbingly, generating scare stories by misreading science - stories which are then gleefully picked up by the likes of Glenn Beck, Pamela Geller etc. That’s why she appeals to the nutters out there these days- and why she disturbs me.