
Andy Schlafly/Conservapedia: Fox News Is Too Liberal.

Click My Icon To Watch This Short French Film.1/21/2014 6:57:44 pm PST

Ok, well the first paragraph is dead on right, surprisingly.

But the “Sarah Palin is center right” has got to be sarcasm!

I always picture Andy as walking two paces behind Phyllis replying “Yes, Mother Yes, Mother”

No wonder the Schlafly’s like him:

Ros Montt denounced a “massive electoral fraud”, blaming Catholic priests who had questioned the mistreatment of the Catholic Mayans, and claimed that the priests were leftist agents. It is alleged that he was given a payoff of several hundred thousand dollars along with the post of military attach in the embassy in Madrid, Spain, where he stayed until retiring in 1977.

In 1978, he left the Roman Catholic Church and became a minister in the California-based evangelical/pentecostal Church of the Word;[16] since then Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been personal friends. Ros Montt’s brother Mario Enrique Ros Montt is a Catholic bishop, and in 1998 succeeded the assassinated Bishop Juan Gerardi as head of the human rights commission uncovering the truth of the disappearances associated with the military and his brother.