
NPR Tiny Desk Concert: A Funny, Smart Set From Courtney Barnett

Dark_Falcon4/15/2014 6:26:28 pm PDT

I had to pause tonight’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but it looks like another doozy. Unsurprisingly, the revelation of SHIELD being massively compromised by HYDRA (see Captain America: The Winter Soldier, if you haven’t already) has left those surviving loyal agents to face some sharks circling. SHIELD is seeing in action the dictum that you can defend against external enemies, but may the Lord protect you when your agency is targeted by other agencies within the government.

I actually hope the show uses that angle a bit, because I think it would be good to see how heroes respond to antagonists who aren’t evil or enemies, but are rivals who honestly think their agency can do the job better than yours.