
Does Ben Carson Believe Most Christians Are Going to Hell?

Patricia Kayden10/27/2015 9:02:52 am PDT

“But a central belief of the church is that most other Christian denominations will end up working with the devil.” Citation?

Don’t most denominations believe that their denomination is the best and brightest? I have no problem criticizing Dr. Carson (who I believe is totally unfitted for the Presidency) but I’m not sure why his religious beliefs deserve any extra criticism. All Christian denominations have unique beliefs which could be subjected to scrutiny (especially by atheists and the non-religious).

I don’t see how his church affiliation plays into his politics since there are liberal Seventh Day Adventists who don’t share his political views. He’s a member of a Christian denomination which is outside the mainstream but so what? If he were spouting the same nonsense but a Catholic or an Anglican, would that make any difference? It wouldn’t to me.