
And Now for "Something Helpful" Courtesy of Anna Meredith [VIDEO]

LadyBehir3/20/2020 7:21:32 pm PDT

Regarding the numbers out of China - second hand via my Spouse - Pol at 4chan has a new theory. Of course they do. But someone there claims to have run the numbers of their phone service subscribers. Since they use their smart phones for all sorts of business transactions and if there’s no activity in a few weeks, the account is presumed inactive due to probable death of account holder. The Pol Critter is claiming that there are millions of these inactive accounts now. And therefore, the official China number is grossly understated and that we’re looking at an even bigger catastrophe than we think we are. I don’t know whether to roll my eyes or check to see if there’s any validity to this. Much as I am not a fan of Pol, sometimes they get it right.