
How science works and why we should trust it: Pre-science lecture 2

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/29/2010 9:04:41 pm PDT
The four steps:

1. An interesting phenomenon is observed …

2. A hypothesis is formed …

3. If the hypothesis actually reflects what is going on, …

4. Evidence mounts. …

Oh c’mon Ludwig, who are you trying to convince? Everybody knows the “four steps” are this:

1. Indoctrinate a young person in a government school to accept whatever a government official tells them.

2. Have that person go to a tax payer run college, have the government pay for a majority of the costs of tuition, after which that person will be awarded with a “degree” in “science.”

3. Then that person goes to work as a “scientist” getting paid again out of tax money.

4. After a few years that person then writes proposals for grants (for more tax money) to support their “research”, citing all sorts of “findings” that just happen to (miraculously) support the spending of even more government money.

The public is onto the con-game. Fess up!