
HR 3 would increase taxes on women who have abortions

sagehen3/19/2011 7:12:43 pm PDT

So the rapist, not having already had enough sadistic pleasure both during the rape, and watching her have to describe it on the witness stand… can then report her to the IRS and make her prove it AGAIN just to be absolutely sure he gets in one last punch.

And if the woman he raped was his ex-girlfriend (the rape is the reason she broke up with him, and the fact that she’d been his girlfriend until that day is why she thought it would be too hard to persuade a jury and so didn’t report it)… ooh, how delicious is he going to think it is to send *her* to prison for tax fraud?

But the GOP wants to keep government out of our wallets, because those are so much more precious and personal than girly-bits.