
Obama's Dilemma: U.S. Foreign Policy and Electoral Realities

researchok9/20/2011 7:09:57 pm PDT

In my opinion, Stratfor bats .500. It is what it is.

As far as Obama goes, in addition to current realities, he also has the future to consider.

Does he want to be the US President who allowed for the formation of another tyrannical regime in the Middle East?

That there are tyrannies and oppressive regimes in the region is not news- but we had nothing to do with their creation.

As long as Hamas is unrepentant in it’s commitment to violence, bigotry and racism it seems to me we are obligated to do what we can to block anything that might aid or assist their agenda.

We are not conflating politics with religion. We are opposed to anyone regime for who tyranny and repression are forms of political expression.

I have said it before and I will say it again: The biggest victims of Arab world tyranny are the Arabs themselves. They have been held back and used as pawns for decades.