
Unopposed Birthers lose in Georgia

JamesWI2/03/2012 8:24:13 pm PST

re: #3 Lidane

Outraged Freepers are outraged:



The only way is for the candidates to expose his ineligibility and prosecute him!

This is the last straw!
The GA judge just rules that he is nbc because he is born in Hawaii!
Never mind his bc is proven to be fake, never mind authenticating it! obozo intimidates all of them. They will never do the right thing! There is no way out except to have the candidates exposing him. Romney, Gingrich, Santorum need to gang up on Obama and challenge him in public to prove that he was born to 2 US citizens or get out of the WH!

We need to yell out to them at their campaign stops to demand that they expose obama’s ineligibility! There is no time to waste!

Please…..please try to get your candidates to do this! It would be excellent!

And this one is telling…..

To: iontheball
“I guess we will just have to vote the POS out in Nov.”

What a shame. I was was hoping we could find a way around that. Its frightening to leave this up to the American People.
191 posted on Friday, February 03, 2012 6:00:35 PM by Doe Eyes

Can’t let Democracy work! We have to try to kick him out by making shit up in the courts! And if the courts rule against us, we’ll whine about how “democracy” is dead, and just ignore the delicious irony!