
Nate Silver Wins, Dick Morris Loses

Dark_Falcon11/07/2012 8:09:09 am PST

re: #4 Destro

I also think that this was Dick Morris’ last hurrah. He blew it by such a large margin that conservatives won’t be able to believe him much again. Even for the credulous, there are limits to how far wrong you can be with election results and survive politically.

Depends. If he was actually serving a Baghdad Bob role for FOX news he will not be gone. If he was genuine and thus failed professionally in being able to read the polls then he will be gone and forgotten, at least for a while. But since I think he was serving a Baghdad Bob role for the GOP boosting FOX I don’t think we will see him punished in anyway.

I think he will be, if only because not all conservatives are so blinkered as to fail to see Morris’ failure. Those who see will complain to Fox or stop watching when Morris comes on. I don’t know if that will create enough pressure, but I hope so.