
Keith Jarrett: The Köln Concert (Full Album)

bratwurst12/28/2012 6:34:12 pm PST

Although I’ve been a music freak for most of my life, I have to thank Charles for turning me onto Jarrett…never really gave him a serious listen until I ran into so many clips right here over the past several years. I was predisposed to like this particular album having lived a significant % of my life within about an hour of Kln! I am presently counting the days until I make my annual visit early in 2013.

By way of thanks to Charles (and a treat for any other fans out there), here is a complete performance Todd Rundgren gave in Amsterdam with the Metropole Orchestra last month. This one is quite unique for a number of reasons. First of all, the video is “crowd sourced”…but the audio was brilliantly recorded for a radio broadcast. Second, the set list is an unusual balance of hits and more obscure material (including a world premiere and a favorite album track that had never been played before this night). Finally, Todd seems to have rehearsed for this performance…something one can not, unfortunately, take for granted these days. Please enjoy!