
6 Suspects Arrested in Another Gang Rape of a Bus Passenger in India

Destro1/14/2013 12:21:16 am PST

re: #4 CriticalDragon1177


What on Earth is happening over there? At least some of the people involved were arrested, but still. This is horrifying. Assuming these people are guilty, I hope they’re punished to fullest extent of the law over there. Raping and killing a nine year old is beyond the pale. What on Earth is wrong with them?

It is actually not “new”. In the west, in ancient Greece up until the modern era women were to be accompanied by a relative lest them be raped - I know it sounds strange but once upon a time a woman on the street alone without a male family member escort was considered a loose woman and she was open season.

This changed in the west slowly over time till the modern era (various times for various countries in the west) but in some parts of the east they have yet to catch up like this.