
Dee Snider Reminds GOP that Ted Nugent is a Draft Dodger

cinesimon1/24/2013 1:28:56 pm PST

Right down there with Bush, Cheney, and many other republican leaders & heroes.
Of course the real traitors, though, are those filthy Democratic vets. Those smarmy assholes who dare use their service to gain the sympathies of voters(or point out that their experience would help inform them regarding decisions to send young people to war and possible death? Bah - no difference, in the crass, brainless, black & white world of the republican) - how dare they!

Though there are many, many cases of classic, now stereotypical republican appalling behaviors, one of the instances that has really stuck with me are the aggressive, insane attacks on Max Cleland. A guy who lost so much to war, magically became pals with Bin Laden, is CLEARLY an antisemite(of course!), and on & on. I can’t remember the words any more, but there was one particularly nasty verbal attack on him from an elder statesman of the republican party, that showed just how rotten and sociopathic the republican party are. Sure, the tea party raised the visibility of their insanity(a good thing), but it has always been there. Boy, how so many ‘fiscally conservative’ people have been fooled over the years.