
Sarah Palin: Feds ';stockpiling bullets'; to use against us

Aligarr3/01/2013 5:12:22 pm PST

This whole shitty story reverberating in the right wing/tea party blogosphere , stems from the Government purchase of 1.5 billion rounds of 9mm ans .223 cal ammunition .
Due to the paranoia and laziness on the part of the room temperature IQs of the dumber segment of American society , no one has bothered to simply check with G.A.O . to find that the purchases are over a period of about 5 years for use by several governments agencies .More importantly the large amounts are to secure government contracts with manufacturers ,which insure the government sales will by contract take precedence .
Sarah Palin , is stepping up again to prove to the world what an idiot she is .Which elevates her to Tea party godess .

This bullshit story has been circulating for about two months .