
Breitbart Reports on Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan, Commenters Spew Torrents of Racism

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/10/2013 3:38:15 pm PDT

re: #45 FemNaziBitch

Evening all!

How is it?

Zimmerman if acquitted will join the ranks of O.J. He’ll be an outcast in many ways, but eventually, his own actions will catch-up to him.

I’m not sure about the whole Rodney King outcome tho. I think that preparing for it is kinda racist in itself.

Martin’s parents have been the most level-headed participants in this debacle. I hope they file a civil suit.

I was reading today that FL law doesn’t allow for that if he is acquitted in the criminal trial. I didn’t look it up, myself, though.