
Stormfront or SJW?

fizziks5/01/2015 7:59:52 pm PDT

People are behaving ridiculously.

I don’t play video games and I am not involved in Gamergate. However I have nothing against those that do and are.

It seems that the individuals commenting with such hysterical hostility here don’t even understand that SJWs and the far-left generally are actually a much larger phenomenon than just the reaction to Gamergate. If those individuals would actually follow the link and play the game they would see that many of the far-left comments highlighted don’t even involve gender issues in the first place. They are often about racial issues, for example calls for racially segregated schools and opposition to mixed-race relationships, which are indeed eerily similar to Stormfront.

So, if anyone wants to engage with the actual ideas here - of the convergence of rhetoric - and positions in regard to the four broad issues I mentioned - between the far left and the far right, that would be great.