
Video: Donald Trump Openly Calls for More Violence Against Protesters at His Rallies

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips3/11/2016 10:42:33 am PST

Customers at a Joe’s Crab Shack in Minnesota got quite the shock when they realized their table decoration depicted a hanging.

To make matters worse, the photo presented the real-life killing as a joke. The photo is labeled “hanging at Groesbeck, Texas on April 12, 1895.” A cartoonish word balloon above the doomed men reads, “All I said was ‘I don’t like the gumbo!’”

Joe’s Crab Shack customer Tyrone Williams said he immediately recognized that the two men on the gallows were black, and they were surrounded by a crowd of white people.

Image: 160311101123-joes-crab-shack-hanging-780x439.jpg