
#TwitterGulag: How It Works, and How to Avoid It

GunstarGreen6/11/2012 1:38:17 pm PDT

Why is it that the people constantly squawking about the constitution and “free speech” are the ones that have the least understanding of what the constitution actually says, and what the first amendment actually entails?

Twitter could ban a person and provide their reason as “We think you’re a dumb stupidhead with an ugly face”, and nobody’s free speech would have been impugned. The 1st only says that the Government cannot make laws abridging your freedoms. Nowhere in that document does it say that Twitter has to let you post whatever you want to post.

This is why I can never take the American right-wing seriously. Down to the last person, they swear up and down that they love our constitution and want to “get back to constitutional government” — and they always do so about three seconds before demonstrating that they have absolutely no idea what that document actually says.