
Outrageous Outrage of the Day, Starring Danny Glover

Bagua1/15/2010 4:52:44 pm PST

re: #491 Naso Tang

No my friend, you are having an illogic day. I’ve been busting my ass re-siding part of a (small) barn all day, and I’m in a good farmer mood and my muscles hurt.

To restate; if you insist we can talk politics another time. This time I am attempting to nail your friendly ass to the wall on a matter of practical reality; namely resettling a major percentage of a nation’s population and let the Devil handle the details. (Perhaps Pat Robertson has suggestions?)

The mechanics of how the situation in Haiti could be improved, or how resettlement would work is worthy of discussion. However, the underlying premise of responsibility is key to this as there would be no public support for measures that would actually work unless US responsibility was acknowledged. And rightly so, I do not advocate these sorts of measures for population in the world who are suffering where the US was not a primary cause of that suffering.

Should that prerequisite occur there is a large task, but surely not an impossible task, especially if France, Germany and England met their share of the obligation.

As to the actual numbers, there are more illegal aliens said to be in the US than the entire population. The resettlement of even a few million would have a dramatic impact if it was coupled with reconstruction on the Island and the expat also send money home. It is a big problem but not an impossible problem.