
Creationists Given Academic Credit for Trolling

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/10/2009 8:34:19 pm PDT

re: #405 Silvergirl

I’m sorry for being dense. Would you please explain this some more?

OK I mean this…

If you have desperate people who have an image of themselves as a great power and they fall on tough times and start believing mass hysteria ideas, it is much easier, always to blame the “other” than to take responsibility for oneself.

Unscrupulous leaders know this and historically, the message goes along the lines of returning to one’s former glory by purging those elements who “make us weak.”

The key is to have people desperate and uneducated in the wake of an economic collapse. They will cling to the idea of the strong man who will fix things with glorious imagery of nationalism (for fascists, or communism for the other side) like a lifeline.

The moronic convergence is that totalitarians of all stripes peddle this message. In the end there is little difference between the “workers paradise” and the “fatherland.” The GOP crazies are heading towards the one side and the Far left crazies want the other.

Both sides love a convenient other to point at. It focuses their masses. Historically, Jews are in the canary population.

Do you think Obama likes us?

Do you think the far left, now given free reign to spread big lies about us is being held in check. Will those lies disappear if the economy tanks and a far right, radicalized GOP takes over?

Do you think Ron Paul or St. Pat likes us?

Now, the U.S. went through a depression before, but it was a tougher generation that wasn’t used to having as much to begin with. Even then there were plenty of American Commies and American Nazis. The difference is that those were much more fringe sets. We have the mainstream GOP sounding more and more hysterical everyday.