
Time to Legalize Weed?

Birth Control Works4/05/2009 9:48:05 pm PDT

re: #450 realwest

I’m sorry to have to disagree with you zombie, but I don’t think there’s a whole lot of evidence that all folks who smoke pot are not productive members of society. Indeed, most of the Pot heads I knew were in fact “hard chargers” at work and - like me - came home from a 10 hour day and instead of relaxing with a martini, smoked a joint (or in my case half a joint). I’d still get up the next day and go put in another productive 10 hour or so day. On weekends (when I wasn’t working) I might smoke a joint at a friends house or party. And frequently shared that joint with other lawyers, bankers, folks who worked hard at running NYC’s delicatessans, and other businesses. Those few I knew who did coke did in fact become unproductive and fairly quickly after they started “using” it too.
It may be that out in Bzerkely you have a whole bunch of folks who do nothing but smoke pot all day, but that was NEVER my experience in NYC.

Real, there are healthier ways to unwind.

IMHO, those who are still smoking weed after age 40, have an underlyling medical or psychological condition which needs treatment. There is a reason they are self-medicating with pot. The biggest damage is to the children whose parents are “tuned-out” just when they need to be “tuned-in” to raise their children.