
Police Evict OWS Protesters from Zuccotti Park

Talking Point Detective11/15/2011 12:43:52 pm PST

re: #477 Sergey Romanov

I’ve read it twice before. I don’t see what it addresses. I’m not a “no law can be broken ever” type.

And I’m not excusing any breaking of laws, or saying that blocking traffic in NYC is the equivalent of a black woman refusing to move to the back of the bus.

My point is that civil disobedience is a reasonable consideration, and that it’s hard to focus civil disobedience against a massive network of laws that create financial inequality. This is part the the inherent difficulty with OWS. They are focusing on issues which are very difficult to target directly because the problem in itself is so diffuse.

For me, the question of civil disobedience depends on a lot of metrics; what are the real negative ramifications, how serious are they in reality, is there really any positive gain, etc. These questions are complex, and should be addressed accordingly. They aren’t well served by platitudes coming form either side.