
Video: Indiana GOP Candidates Would Force Raped Women to Carry Fetuses to Term

jamesfirecat10/13/2010 4:47:55 pm PDT

re: #502 EmmmieG

Then it’s just philosophy for you. You’re organs aren’t at stake.

Mine are. They have been. I’ve been through all the effects.

This is why my position on abortion has become so much less ideological and more compassionate. I know firsthand the stress that having another human being hooked up to your organs can be.

I think my favorite moment was the screaming panic I felt when I felt a rhythmic tic at about seven months. Something was wrong with my baby! Oh no! What could it be?

Um, hiccups. Another human being had hiccups inside my body. Never thought of that one, did you?

On a less humorous note, I actually carry a very slight remnant of one of the side effects of pregnancy. I don’t begrudge it, because the remnant is so minor, but it wasn’t minor during the pregnancy.

Interesting story, but what does it have to do with MY position on abortion?