
Images and Live Video From Another Night of Protest in Ferguson

CuriousLurker8/14/2014 5:07:00 pm PDT

Yesterday when I was lurking someone—Decatur Deb, IIRC—said something to the effect of the people of Ferguson were being punished for electing a black President, and (paraphrasing) “You didn’t think they were going to go out easy, did you?”

I’ve had those same thoughts myself many times since Obama was elected. Ditto the black friends I’ve discussed it with. I never imagined that it would get as ugly as it has though—not just in Ferguson, but all over.

I think those people knew they were being punished too and it hurt them and made them angry. Black Americans were so happy when Obama was elected, as were many people of all races. Do you guys remember seeing all the people weeping with joy, and even reporters & people like Stephen Colbert choking up? Everyone was so proud.

That lasted what, a week? Maybe until his swearing in? Then we found out later that they whole time the GOP was planning to obstruct him at every turn. He’s gotten nothing but disrespect from certain quarters since 2008. It’s truly shameful. It pisses me off and I’m not black, how do you think black people feel?

All the hundreds of years of brutal slavery, loss of their original cultures & languages, families broken up and sold, women raped, men (and women) whipped & beaten, Jim Crow, lynchings, the Civil Rights fights, and still they never got equality. Then OMG, a black President! Happiness, pride, black children knowing they really could one day be anything, even president…

Yeah, I’m 100% sure there are some people who see this sea change, the changing culture & demographics, as a zero sum game and want to punish black Americans for it. It’s sickening.

*steps down from pulpit*