
Sarah Palin: Don't Shackle Us With Your Snobbish Shunning, Obama Needs to Be Spanked

Dr. Matt11/02/2014 12:17:46 pm PST

NRA Tries To Mobilize Right-Wing Base By Going Full Crazy


If you’ve ever wanted to gaze directly into the maw of madness and despair, well then! LaPierre’s article will be a treat for you. It breathlessly begins “Brace yourself. You won’t hear about this from the mainstream media” and goes rapidly downhill from there. It’s all about the imminent chaos brewing across our country that the AK-toting forces of order need to prepare themselves for - sort of like a zombie apocalypse, except instead of zombies it’s terrorists, illegals, commies and any other number of code words for people of a certain complexion.

Saying that chaos is “at our door,” it’s accompanied by ads urging NRA members to “Vote your guns in November.” If you support gun rights, you have to “Vote to save us all” from “Obama’s last two years.”


it’s worth reading the piece over at the Daily Banter. The NRA is giving Alex Jones a run for the batshit-crazy-money.