
Seth Meyers Obliterates Obnoxious Chris Christie Blitz: Tries to Rehab His Image, but Won't Say if He'll Back Trump

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/18/2021 1:29:47 am PST

Picard was fine, but I think my enjoyment of it mostly arose from nostalgia.

Didn’t like the first season of ST:D. Too much Klingon (plot and language.) Season 2 was much better. Then season 3 started and after watching the first episode I sort of gave up on it.

Have been watching Foundation. It’s ok.

All three shows suffer from the same problem. They want to be whodunnits .

Simple plots get drug out for 10 episodes simply by only telling part of plot, bit by bit, with some mystery left to late in the season that would do better just being revealed off the top.

That kind of story telling really bugs me.

It’s an easy way to build tension. But it is too easy and the writers end up not really being good mystery writers.