
Rand Paul: Abolish the Department of Education

What, me worry?10/15/2010 12:09:31 pm PDT

re: #45 Gus 802

What the heck do you think Rand Paul is arguing? He’s arguing for local control — i.e. states rights. He then goes on to support his argument of local control by exposing his ignorance and bigotry — r.e. “Susie has two mommies”. He wants to eliminate the Ed so he can have local education department define protections for GLBTs thus not allowing the citizens of the USA to seek redress from the Federal government.

Yea. Hmm…. get rid of Dept of Ed and what else gets into the public school system (if such a thing would even exist anymore). Can you say Evolution, boys and girls? No, you can’t. Because it would no longer exist either.