
Green Lantern #55, September 1967: 'Cosmic Enemy Number One'

jamesfirecat11/20/2010 4:17:23 pm PST

I’m gonna go horribly OT here for a moment to the degree that this sort of thing might have its own page. But do you know what f***ing sucks, when someone you’ve been working with over the internet for what feels like two or three years to edit the stories you write in your free time suddenly turns out to be the kind of guy you wonder if you’d ever be friends with in the first place if you had known him better.

Some highlights of the conversation…

Me: Then knowing that I’m opening a can of worms here… why do you think it is wrong?

Him: “Two reasons. 1) My Bible tells me it’s wrong. 2) I have a personal relationship with the author of that book and I agree with Him that it’s unnatural. And kinda creepy.

ME: However I ask you.., at what point is deviant behavior acceptable and at what point is it not, when the behavior harms no one…?

HIM: How do you know it harms no one? I’ve heard rumors of psychologial harms from not interfacing with the opposite gender. It’s nothing I can point to, but I think I read a study somewhere.

He’s a nice guy who has committed hours of his free time reading through my work and correcting spelling mistakes and what not.

He’s against DADT for what that is worth (don’t want to ask about gay marriage as it would probably set off another bomb between us).

But like all Liberals I’m wracked with guilt as I ask myself, where does the line between being live and let live and silently endorsing someones behavior get drawn?

If I cut ties with this person am I being just as intolerant as he is am I doing the mature thing? What kind of friendship can we have when I want to cry out to the heavens that you can’t put your faith in god or any of his rules ahead of obvious basic common sense like refusing to punish people for things that aren’t under their control?

Where the f*** do I go from here?