
Police Evict OWS Protesters from Zuccotti Park

Mostly sane, most of the time.11/15/2011 9:37:28 am PST

re: #46 RadicalModerate

By the way, unless you have adequate amounts of Valium (or equivalent), I’d recommend against reading the FoxNews comments regarding this. They’re advocating the usage of live ammunition, and “wholesale eradication” of the protestors. They literally want to see dead liberals.

Well, that’s just nasty. The OWS needs to move into a political movement phase, with other ways of getting their message (have they decided on what that is? I’m all for “Gecko was wrong; Greed is Actually Bad”*) across to the population. You’ve got the nation’s attention, now say something. Something coherent.

*Because it leads to speculation, which can lead to financial bubbles and collapse. This is bad.