
The Mars Curiosity Rover Gets One Chance to Land Tonight

Orange Impostor8/05/2012 4:06:49 pm PDT

re: #44 Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire

30-ish years later, I’m sad that Americans don’t seem to be interested AT ALL in space exploration. I don’t know if it’s down to the lack of that Cold War urgency or what, but we really don’t seem to be interested in reaching for the stars anymore.

Highly relevant: “We stopped dreaming”

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This is one thing that needs to be stressed extremely strongly.

While a large number of people in the United States are arguing against spaceflight, as well as a freshly-entrenched general anti-science mentality, other countries, specifically in eastern Asia (China, Japan, Korea) are not only ramping up resources for manned spaceflight, their news and entertainment communities are pushing this psyche as well.

Case in point, one of the most popular movies this spring in Japan was directly connected to this - the movie was built from a factual basis, and had members of both JAXA and NASA assisting in production.

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