
Oklahoma Tornado Updates - 37 Confirmed Dead So Far

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/21/2013 9:55:35 am PDT

re: #504 iossarian

Nah, that’s pretty much what I said. I’d expect Beck to be hooked up with some religious charity. That’s what Mercury One is:

I doubt they coordinated well with others, but they might have. It’s not really that important. I doubt Beck knows if they are, but some administrative assistant or project manager might be on top of their shit. There’s plenty of earnest people in those sorts of charities who actually want to do a good job.

But that’s a moot point. Beck is a scam artist, an antisemite, a racist, and having him associating himself with charitable help for this disaster isn’t a good thing. Sure, some of his crazy-ass followers will donate, but it can also turn other people (rightly) off.