
Wikileaks' Russian Representative: A Holocaust Denier

Gus12/14/2010 9:19:16 pm PST

re: #500 WindUpBird

Get used to the occasional flare up here of complaining and of news article links “proving” that Sf suck (as if your job qualifications for a specific job mark you as a good person, lol sheep-like careerist) or is stupid, or is crazy, or is unamerican, or hates the military, or is anti-christian, or whatever

It happens less than it did back when the roost was ruled by loonies, but it still happens a lot. There’s still a lot of adversarial smearing of California

So we can’t talk about this? We can’t discuss the actions of the Berkeley City Council trying to decide on a resolution to declare Bradley Manning a hero? Or the cost of living in San Francisco? Because it would amount to smearing?

Tell me something then. What about the countless days we’ve spent on Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Kentucky? I’ve seen many people get defensive about those discussions as well?

You know. I used to live in New Jersey which was the butt of jokes for 1000s of years. San Francisco, Berkeley, and California are open to criticism just as much as Texas. They’re not perfect, and they’re not a sacred cow.