
Prog-Acoustic Excellence: Punch Brothers, "Three Dots and a Dash"

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance1/10/2019 9:14:19 am PST

re: #502 makeitstop

I moved from a small town all the way across the country to California when I was 18. Just 2 suitcases and hopped a greyhound. It was hard as hell the first 2 years but I made it and never looked back. Meanwhile a lot of those I went to school with still live in the same town and still spout off hate of California and big cities. In some ways it is amusing, but it’s also sad. They are stuck where they are (and maybe they are happy) and will never get to experience the things I have which led to me being who I am today. If I had stayed I probably would be chased out of town or worse have just become another right wing ass.