
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Gus6/01/2012 6:23:53 am PDT

re: #498 lawhawk

What’d he do now? Besides the obvious backlash about his asinine soda ban. He found that he couldn’t tax the stuff, so now he’s thinking about banning it in super sized portions.

As if soda is the culprit to obesity? I doubt he’d be willing to ban any serving of Waygu larger than 4 ounces (or any steak for that matter), considering that most 4oz portions of beef have as much calories as the size soda he’s looking to ban (and beef has more fat, but more other nutrients as well).

If the issue is calories, why not ban super sized juices or milk shakes (those are exempt under the proposed rule). And if you’re a soda maker, why not add other nutrients to show that the sodas aren’t merely empty calories - one of the justifications for the ban/taxing of soda proposals.

Fact is that obesity is a problem but it’s not only due to nutrition (or bad nutrition). The fact that so many people sit on their asses all day and don’t get exercise is a major contributing factor. We simply eat far more than we burn off - and that packs on the pounds.

Portion control would go a long way, but that’s personal choice too.

Good lord. Self-control. Could you imagine? Part of what you mention was my satrical point I made here.