
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

karmic_inquisitor9/20/2009 12:14:37 am PDT

re: #495 iceweasel

And that is an argument that she would lose, without getting into details about what I, or others here, do for a living.

BTW, that’s a rather odd standpoint for someone to take when criticising some science as zombie does, isn’t it?

Like Holdren? Like endorsing the Bell Curve? Like pretending that 30 year old pre-AIDS studies accurately reflect the sexual mores and practices of the entire gay community today?

That faux po-mo academe speak isn’t going to play there, you know.
But— I’m breaking what I said earlier. I’d rather not weigh in personally until Z is around, as it’s unfair— and people can search my archives for several of our exchanges, if so inclined.

Frankly, I haven’t been engaging on Zombie and science. Not his/her field I suspect. What Zombie is good at is subversion via photographs. Subversion in his/her environment which is what I have tried to focus on.