
Truther Document 'Signatories' Say They Were Misled

solicitr9/04/2009 12:39:21 pm PDT
Obama got better grades in much tougher classes than any of the leading Republicans in the past 10 years

Oh, puh-leeez!

Obama himself admits he was nearly at the bottom of his class at Occidental. We know this much about his time at Columbia- he failed to graduate with honors, even with a poli-sci major!

Meanwhile, of course Gore was an academic anchor-man, flunking out of divinity school and just scraping through Harvard. Compare, say, Newt Gingrich (Ph.D. Tulane, Modern European History).

But the real proof is the fact that since taking office (before, really), Obam has proven himself to be a singularly ill-educated and shallow man, a real second-rater. Review again his Cairo speech for (a) his pig-ignorance of history, and (b) its manifold failures of basic logic.

That’s not even getting into the Austrian language, the utility of Arabic interpreters in Afghanistan, and of course his batshit insane economic views.

Possession of an Ivy League liberal-arts BA doesn’t prove much- the tough part is getting in, which for certain special people (e.g. named Kennedy, Bush or Gore, or sponsored by oil sheiks) isn’t much of a problem. And in the liberal arts it’s possible for even a drooling idiot to graduate, since it’s nearly impossible to flunk out. Again: Ted Kennedy. QED.


But this really misses the point: who was he studying under??? Was he in fact an acolyte of Edward Said, Richard Cloward or Frances Piven? What was his thesis topic and what did he write? How active was he in radical organizations besides the ones we know about (“Students Against Militarism” and the CND)?

In ANY election prior to 2008, or with any President other than Obama, our ‘free’ press would have dug and dug discovered these things, as readily as they discovered Joe Wurzelbacher’s tax records, because there was this silly old-fashioned notion that the electorate ought to know who a candidate really is. But in Obamamerica, the Little People can’t be allowed to know anything the man who proclaimed himself a Blank Slate.