
Pamela Geller Shrieks on Joy Behar

jamesfirecat2/09/2010 3:29:42 pm PST

re: #514 BunnyThief

David Ehrenstein, LA Times, March 19, 2007.

Now I’ve got a challenge for you. You have no problem using the term “teabagging” and “teabagger,” sniggering all the while.

Kindly define it. Spell out precisely what the term means to you.

Use precise language. Vagueness and innuendo and implication is for weasels.

If you’re OK in using the word, you should be OK in saying precisely what the word means to you.

I notice that the story you linked me to doesn’t quote anyone as calling Barack a Magic Negro. Evidently I was unaware that the Los Angeles Times had become the official spokesperson for the Democrat Party.

As for what teabagging means to me, in the sexual context

“Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion” It got that name because in the in and out cycle can be likened to someone dipping a bag of tea in hot water then pulling it out, then dipping it back in again.

Does that make you happy?