
Little Green Footballs: Week in Review

William Lewis5/20/2013 5:52:22 am PDT

re: #25 Kragar

re: #23 Varek Raith

The project leads have a human ship, which is a carrier in space. They want me to design the aggressors, so I just have to find reasons and ways for them to attack.

I’m comfortable with stating the alien means of FTL travel and primary weaponry have not done in any major motion picture so far.

They don’t see themselves as attacking anymore than we do when stepping on an anthill. Humans are simply in the way of some important project. There might be a small group of environmentalists who think of humans as sort of “Northern Spotted Owl”.

Hive mind? Perhaps only within familial groups?

Communications by pheromones rather than sound? And a bias that nothing intelligent would use anything so crude as sound?