
Simple Beauty: Rhiannon Giddens, "Waterbound" (With Francesco Turrisi)

A Mom Anon9/25/2021 12:16:10 pm PDT

I can’t with these idiots and nebulizing peroxide now. Honest to fucking god, what the actual fuck is wrong with these people? This is like some mass delusion with no end in sight.

I mean, this will definitely rid the world of a LOT of selfish and stupid humans, but a lot of good people trying hard to do the right things are going to get taken down with them and that pisses me off to no end.

They act like we actually love all this lockdowns and masking and keeping everyone at a distance. Fuck no. I want to be able to hug the two ladies at the Kroger where I shop that I’ve known for 20 years, or my son’s friends who we consider family, or just to offer support when I see a fellow human struggling when I am out and about. Or to be able to just get out safely again and see shows and go on a little road trip or something. But because of selfish and dumb and dug in humans, I can’t do any of that. I’m over it and pissed and have nowhere to put that anger.