
Pelosi Admits Being Told About Waterboarding, But...

lawhawk4/29/2009 9:27:38 am PDT

Obama calls the first 100 days tense, but fruitful? Who’s he kidding? It’s the most work he’s ever had to do, and what exactly has he done that warrants being called fruitful? He’s spent more in that first 100 days than any president in the history of the nation - and that’s just the starter. That’s not exactly an accomplishment since there’s no way anyone can ever repay it in their lifetime. That will be up to some other president to clean up his mess.

He’s met with thugs and dictators and insulted friends. That’s not exactly fruitful either.

If he means that he’s doled out the pork to his friends and watched as his political opponents flail helplessly, I’ll cede on that point. But for most Americans, this hasn’t exactly been 100 days to remember (even though the media has been trying to show something for it every step of the way).