
Friday Night Music: Tommy Emmanuel, Blues Improvisation

SteveC10/30/2009 6:34:56 pm PDT

Arrrgh! Clear the table, I need to bang my head! (and not in time with the music)

I’m the moderator of a message board for people with heart defects. As you may expect, the group is wound up over H1N1 and the availability of the vaccine. We had a lady post that H1N1 is 5 times as deadly as seasonal flu, then commented “I guess the vaccine will be available once the entire county has been wiped out.”

Arrrgh! That’s true, but the CFR of Seasonal Flu is less than 0.1% So H1N1 kills (Better sit down!) less than 0.5% of all cases!

Proportionally it is higher for those of us with underlying health conditions, but an exaggeration is an exaggeration, especially when your group is trying to get out factual information.

Then in the same message she is all worked up because the Obama children recived the H1N1 shot, and why couldn’t that shot be saved for someone who couldn’t get the shot? That made no sense. But the article she cited First Daughters receive H1N1 Vaccine says they got the vaccine; it says nothing about if it was the injection or the the mist.

In true LGF fashion I called her out on both statements. Ya’ll would have been proud!