
Is Syria Supplying Hezbollah with Scud Missiles?

lawhawk4/21/2010 10:43:38 am PDT

re: #42 marjoriemoon

Indeed - at the moment we have what would be considered a 3-state solution; Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Gaza is wholly owned and occupied by Hamas. Fatah runs most of the West Bank through the Palestinian Authority (after refusing to share power with Hamas, which won the last scheduled elections and has thereafter refused to hold new elections or broker a deal between Fatah and Hamas on control over Gaza and the West Bank now controlled by the PA). Fatah is satisfied with the current situation since they can blame any failings on Hamas or Israel, while avoiding the generally tough business of running a country. Hamas, likewise can blame Israel and Fatah for running Gaza into the ground and continues to sound the drums of war at every opportunity because there is no expectation that they act like a state or feel the repercussions of continued terror attacks/kassams/plots, etc.