
Spider-Man #45: Spidey vs. Lizard

ryannon6/06/2010 1:25:51 am PDT

re: #22 Bagua

The Shallows


Author Nicholas Carr explains research into what the internet is doing to our brains.

Required viewing.

Yes and no, Bagua. People have been saying things like this since the Year One. Beware of that Apple (no pun intended) folks! All technology carries its advantages and dangers. But to bring the question back home, how’s your brain feeling today? Better or worse for spending the time you do (as do I) on the Net?

I agree with his concept of a progressive neuronal reconfiguration and the modification of thought processes, but my own feeling is that it can be beneficial. Now what was I talking about? Is it true that some people don’t like pineapple slices on pizza? I still don’t understand the last episode of Lost.