
New York Times Paywallocalypse

NJDhockeyfan3/18/2011 6:03:21 am PDT

Did Hillary finally push Obama into action on Libya?

Has there been a falling-out between President Obama and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton?

Well before yesterday’s UN vote in favour of intervention in Libya, she chose this week to reveal bluntly that she was not going to serve in any second-term Obama administration (she said she wouldn’t run for the presidency either). And when pressed by President Sarkozy for a stronger stance on Libya, with a push at the UN, she replied simply: “There are difficulties.”

What difficulties? Well, the initial explanation was that they came from China and Russia at the UN. But according to a recently launched blog, The Daily, Clinton is tired of dealing with “a bunch of amateurs” - Obama’s team - and “especially peeved with the President’s waffling over how to encourage the kinds of Arab uprisings that have recently toppled regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, and in particular his refusal to back a no-fly zone over Libya”.

Will Hillary last to the end of the year or will she split early? Time will tell.