
New From Keith Olbermann: What Did Trump Know? (And When Did He Stop Knowing It?)

jaunte1/04/2017 9:03:32 pm PST
“I voted for Trump,” Neil Yonts, who was a coal miner in Kentucky for 35 years, told CNN’s Miguel Marquez. But, he added, he felt it “may be a mistake” after being diagnosed with black lung disease and learning about the Obamacare protections, which may soon disappear. “When they eliminate the Obamacare they may just eliminate all the black lung program,” he said. “It may all be gone. Don’t matter how many years you got.”

In January of 2015, Trump said he wanted “to try and help” lower income people get health care, even if it cost him the GOP nomination — signaling a core difference with the GOP on this moral imperative. During the primaries, Trump pointedly told fellow Republicans he would not allow people to “die on the street,” telegraphing that core difference once again. Trump also repeatedly vowed not to touch Medicare, explicitly holding this up as proof he is not ideologically aligned with Paul Ryan on the safety net. As David Leonhardt details, Trump repeatedly demonstrated an ideological willingness to embrace a role for government in expanding health care to, well, all Americans.

“You knew I was a snake when you voted for me.”