
The Bob & Chez Show: Things Done With Uranium

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/17/2017 11:51:40 am PST

I am so sick of these assholes though on immigration. “We’re not opposed to immigrants, we’re opposed to illegal immigrants.” Bullshit, see Corey Stewart’s rally with the people saying they’re fine with immigrants from Western Europe. And the general heartlessness. Yes immigrating illegal is well illegal but maybe make it easier to emigrate legally. Oh, they don’t want that. Too many stuck up white assholes have no idea what it’s like to actually emigrate to another country because our ancestors already made the sacrifice that they didn’t years ago. And when my German and Irish folks got here, there was no such thing as illegal or legal and geuss what, people shat on them toom.