
Pat Metheny: "Kin" (Live at the Five Angels Theater, New York / 2014)

Anymouse ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿก๐Ÿ˜ท8/15/2021 10:42:35 pm PDT

Gotta sicken who we can.

Kids may be allowed to stay in school after COVID exposure this year, at least initially (Omaha World-Herald)

Parents may find schools more flexible on quarantining their kids after a COVID-19 contact this school year, at least initially.

Nebraska schools enter the year without a directed health measure dictating what to do when a student has a close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

Parents can expect local quarantining decisions to be situational, depending on the specific circumstances of the contact and the spread of the disease, school and health officials said.

Schools are no longer under last fallโ€™s emergency pandemic orders that detailed the rules for isolation and quarantine.

There is state and federal guidance to help school officials but not anything that carries the force of law regarding quarantining, leaving districts to huddle with local health officials to figure out how they will handle those situations.
