
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

yochanan3/12/2009 3:33:09 pm PDT

the mistake the liberal feminist make is they act like abortion is like getting their nails or hair cut.

If a fetilized egg is inside a woman IT IS THE POTENTAL OF LIFE i.e. if everything goes well you will have a baby. Jews value human life esp. babies If you have a miscarage you don’t fellow the laws of morning you would if your baby would die after birth (heaven forbid) And if you have an accident and happen to cause harm to a woman who is preg. and she has a miscarage jewish law does not say you have cause ‘manslaguhter but you do have to pay damages. One of the reasons the church of Rome takes the position it does on abortion is because they feel that the ‘baby’ is pure but that the ‘woman’ is living in ‘sin’ I wish the church had gotten as upset about abortion as it didn’t get upset during the Holocust when it was ‘jewish life’