
Poll: Bad Craziness in the GOP Base, Part 2

filetandrelease2/02/2010 2:25:35 pm PST

re: #88 ludwigvanquixote

I am sick and astonished at this poll.

So once again, does anyone doubt why I think the GOP is immoral, stupid and evil?

Let’s break it down.

If you are opposed to abortion and birth control, you are a complete moron. The best way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

If you deny gay people basic rights, you are just evil.

If you honestly think the President Obama is a socialist you are just stupid and you don’t know what socialism means.

If you don’t think he was born here, well you really are stupid.

If you think Palin is anything other than an idiot, you are a moron as well.

But most disturbing is the whole hypocrisy of hating abortion but loving the death penalty and swearing you love Jesus, who at last reading of his teachings was into forgiveness and turning the other cheek. This of course is coupled with the anti-science stance. It takes a special kind of stupid to hold mutually contradictory notions as fact at the same time. Because the ability to do hateful doublethink like that alows you to think the worst possible nonsense.

Nonsense like wanting to secede from the union. That is called treason.

So I repeat. The GOP: Anti thought, anti reason, stupid, immoral, evil, anti-American.

Wow, what brain dead moronic rubbish spew forth to amuse preadolescents. Never on this web site have I wasted so many precious seconds reading such vapid tripe.

Charles, I am surprised you let these petty insults to such a large percentage of this country stand.

The disagreements I have with the democratic party are many, but it would take a lot of beer for me to …. hell, not even that.