
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Milty7/06/2011 7:00:56 am PDT

re: #517 Obdicut

Congrats, this response made no sense in relation to the point I was making.

You were complaining about the language being ‘pro-choice’. You then defined what they were doing as, well, choosing. So what is your preferred terminology?

How so?

I’m sorry, you’re objecting to feminism now? You’re saying feminism lead to divorce?

What does the divorce rate have to do with feminism, except in that women aren’t financially dependent on men anymore?

What does the divorce rate have to do with the sexual revolution?

You’re really not making much sense.

I am talking about what Christina Hoff Sommers defines as gender feminism, as opposed to equity feminism.

It is pretty obvious, I think, that the never-ending gender war does not help people achieve wedded bliss or get over difficult patches in their marriages. Somehow it seems to me that slogans like “the personal is political” and the politicization of relations between the sexes do not really do wonders for love between men and women.